Everybody loves the kitchen, and dare we say that it might be the most popular room in the house? Well, we definitely think it’s a location that no house can do without. Whether it’s cooking up a family meal while you rush around dodging the kids toys, jumping over cats, and sliding past your puppies, or even if you’re letting loose with a glass of red wine in the kitchen, the kitchen is a staple of every household.

With 42% of people who agree that the kitchen is the most important room in the house, now is the best time to begin that kitchen redesign you’ve always wanted to do. So we’re here to provide you with our tips and predictions on what is going to be the top 5 kitchen design trends of 2023.

1. White modern kitchens could be a thing of the past

Although fully white kitchens can provide a sleek and classy feel, a lot of interior designers are opting for a more warm and friendlier kitchen look

Forbes spoke to real estate broker Lori Levine Harris of Brock and Lori who told them “All white everything is on its way out. For the past decade, we’ve been seeing white walls, white tile, and Carrera marble. People are tired of these muted palettes, and designers are bringing in color— which we love.”

However, we advise keeping the white appliances and adding darker hues throughout the kitchen. This look can provide a very nice contrast which lends itself to making each colour simply pop more.

2. Composite & Granite sinks might pave the way

Although stainless steel sinks are easy to clean and maintain, and the deep bowl stainless steel sink can look good in the kitchen, the truth is that most people are “turning up at their nose” at the idea of stainless steel sink.

With our research and client testimonies, we’ve noticed that this is very much the case, and with good reason… granite and SMC composite kitchen sinks look amazing!

And yes, we know that these sinks come with a little extra TLC, but you can’t argue with the results. Get yourself a coloured SMC composite or granite sink, and just see the look on your friends’ faces when they see your kitchen design for the first time.

3. Quartz could be the new countertop king

As the favourite countertop material for more than 30 years, granite tops could be seen to be replaced by quartz tops. Opting for a cleaner one-colour tone compared to the busy look of granite allows your kitchen design to home in on its main colours.

But will granite be replaced forever? Most likely not! The kitchen experts will incorporate some genius look that makes granite trump every other work too again, and we’re ready for it.

4. Make cupboards great again

We’re seeing a lot more open shelving in kitchens; however, people are starting to notice these come with maintenance and cleaning, and nobody needs that, right?

That’s why in 2023, we think we’ll see people utilising all the space in their kitchen and bring back their storage-saving cupboards. Plus, much less cleaning. Result!

5. The farmhouse look might not be the favourite

Unfortunately, it seems the idea of bringing the outback kitchen to the city house or apartment is dwindling. Although it seems that the style might not be going away fully, it will however be adapted and pulled into a more modern look and feel.

For example, people are still loving the large barn house single bowl sinks but partnered with the more modern countertops and cupboards.

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